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It’s never too late to tackle addiction

If you or someone you know is having issues with drugs or alcohol, there are lots of ways to access free & confidential advice and support from local experts. Drug … Read More

If you need urgent medical help this winter but you’re not sure where to go, use NHS 111

NHS 111 can assess and direct you to the most appropriate local service, including your GP practice, pharmacy or nearest urgent treatment centre. And if needed, it can arrange a … Read More

New data shows Black community aren’t confident they could spot the signs of a heart attack

A new survey published today by NHS England has revealed a lack of confidence in the community in recognising the symptoms of a heart attack, with over one third (37%) … Read More

Call for Volunteers to Support Vulnerable Communities

NHS and Care Volunteers Responders urgently call upon compassionate individuals to volunteer their time in collecting and delivering food shopping and prescriptions to vulnerable people in their local communities. Accessing … Read More

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